Week 4 - 5 girls and a Volkswagen Beetle
My last full week at Iracambi has come around so quickly. I feel a whole mixture of emotions at the moment. I'm so sad to be leaving such a beautiful place, but equally excited for the next step in this adventure. I'm off to Rio next week to meet up with my husband and we'll be travelling across Brazil and Argentina for about 10 days (stay tuned for the obligatory Instagram pictures- probably involving copious amounts of wine) This week was about reviewing as much of the new website as possible. The bulk of the content is there, so it's about tweaking the design, checking links and CTAs are working etc. There will still be more to do when I get back so I've offered to keep working with Iracambi in my spare time to help them over the last few hurdles before launch. I also presented my social media plan to Rogeria, who was fully on board and we'll look to roll this out with the rest of the staff in the next few days. On Tuesday night I went with Rogeria and ...